
We regularly write easy-to-read easy-to-digest articles about branding and how to approach it. Not interested in reading? Check out our Podcast and watch and listen to how we apply our strategies to real brands.

Challenge the Customer’s Comfort Zone

Challenge the Customer’s Comfort Zone

Businesses should consider this when dealing with customers today, “challenge the customer’s comfort zone.”
Strategy Without a Map

Strategy Without a Map

In a changing marketplace you don't have a map to guide you to success. It's like crossing the Sahara. The dunes are constantly shifting and changing. To cross the Sahara you use a compass, landmarks, and local resources to navigate the terrain and get to your destination. This is an excellent metaphor for growing your business.
B2B Buyers Binge on Content

B2B Buyers Binge on Content

Social media marketing has changed. The strategies and tactics that worked in 2012 don't work in 2106. B2B buyers are not following your posts on a daily or weekly basis, but B2B buyers will binge on your content when they are buying.
The 4 Phases of the Commoditization Cycle

The 4 Phases of the Commoditization Cycle

Competitive advantage is being eroded at an astronomical pace. It's a frustrating cycle, but fortunately it's predictable. Use the 4 Phases of Commoditization to understand how your industry is evolving and how to respond.
Kickstart Your Creativity with a Creative Retreat

Kickstart Your Creativity with a Creative Retreat

If you're looking to unleash your ideas, schedule a creative retreat asap. You don't discover your best ideas behind your desk or pecking away at your keyboard. To shock the creative system into overdrive schedule a "creative retreat." This is a short, deliberate getaway to work on a problem and discover new ideas.
Find Your Advantage: Marketing Event on April 5th

Find Your Advantage: Marketing Event on April 5th

The best brands are constantly learning, innovating, and evolving. Learn how at the Find Your Advantage event on April 5, 2016 in Brampton, Ontario. The event is hosted by Sticky Branding, Constant Contact, and the Brampton Board of Trade.
Why Your Brand Must Own More Than One Word

Why Your Brand Must Own More Than One Word

A strong brand must own one word in the mind of customers is considered gospel in branding circles. It's time to challenge this convention. It takes more than one word to create a competitive advantage.
Dick Fosbury, Uber, and How To Disrupt Your Industry

Dick Fosbury, Uber, and How To Disrupt Your Industry

Dick Fosbury is like the Uber of high jump. He took advantage of widely available technology and redefined normal. This is a story of innovation and how you can change the world without spending billions of dollars.
Embrace the Power of “I Don’t”

Embrace the Power of “I Don’t”

Embrace "I don't" to change behaviors. It's one of the most powerful phrases in your vocabulary. According to a recent study, "I don't" is up to eight times more effective than saying "I can't," and more than twice as effective as saying "no."

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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