Changing your brand name is an expensive proposition. It's like hitting the reset button and can wipe away years of history. Choose to rename your brand under very specific circumstances.
Don't get defensive when you have offended. Take criticism at face value, and apologize genuinely. Simply, graciously apologize. Acknowledge the mistake, and learn from it.
It's one thing to commit to growing an incredible brand, but if your customers can't see it they won't believe it. Sticky brands are visual brands. Make your brand visibly different.
Would you get a tattoo of a logo? I know I wouldn't. I find the idea simply ridiculous. But from a branding context, wow! A tattoo worthy brand may be the pinnacle of consumerism, but it demonstrates that the brand stands something and people are connecting with it at a deep, personal level.
At almost every staff meeting Gini Dietrich learns another way her baby is ugly, but she loves it! Gini's baby is not of the human persuasion. It's her company, Arment Dietrich. The culture at Arment Dietrich is unusual. How often do you encounter a company where every member of the team can tell the CEO what's wrong with the company?
Your business card is your brand. Business cards are a perfect opportunity to demonstrate what makes your company unique. "The business card is your own personal album cover," says Marc Levack, CEO of Primo Cards. "It’s your way to demonstrate how your company is unique."
Big events are a powerful way to build relationships and differentiate your brand. Macpek stood out by organizing a relay-race marathon from Mont Tremblant to Quebec City in May. They had over 650 people cross the finish line, and it created a powerful event to build relationships and connect people with people.
Small acts of generosity can completely shift your client relationships. A surprise. A gift. An acknowledgement. They all have the power to delight your customers, and convert them into fans.
Your firm's strengths may not be enough to differentiate your brand. Strengths are table stakes. They are simply required to be in the game, and compete in your industry. Differentiation originates out of one identifiable strength.
"The Customer Comes Third" is an intriguing and counterintuitive core values, but fundamental to AnswerPlus's services, relationships and brand. They build their brand from the inside out. Dana Lloyd, CEO of AnswerPlus says, "Our brand is our culture, and our culture is our people,"
How often do you update your website? I'm not talking about adding a blog post or publishing an article. How often do you make structural changes to your website? Your website is alive, and apart of a vibrant ecosystem. If you are not updating it quarterly, your website will atrophy and die.
What separates one accountant from the next? Not much, they all deliver similar services. The same is true for lawyers, insurance brokers and financial advisors. When everyone looks the same it's hard to make a referral. Relationships are not enough to differentiate your brand.
{"Jeremy Miller has put together an excellent roadmap for companies to successfully name companies, products and services along with the naming landmines to avoid and the naming opportunities to aggressively conquer."
David Brier
{"This beautifully designed book spells out the journey that will take you to the Promised Land: a Sticky Brand name."
Kevin Roberts
{"Jeremy Miller’s brilliant book will help you solve the biggest problem in marketing today."
Al Ries
{"A beautiful, captivating and useful book!"
Mark Schaerfer
{"Jeremy has written a masterpiece. Combining story with visuals, he brings the process of naming your product or business to life. Everyone is creative and this book provides a roadmap to designing the perfect name."
Donna Miller
{"Action-oriented. Beautifully designed. Inspirational. Brand New Name takes the pain away from naming."
Gino Wickman
{"When it comes to anything branding-related, Jeremy Miller is the foremost expert. When it comes to naming anything—from a hashtag to a business—he has created a process for you to plan, brainstorm, and test your ideas. Brand New Name should sit on everyone’s desk as your only brand naming bible."
Gini Dietrich
{"I wish this book existed when I was creating our brands! Jeremy’s process makes sure you start your business with a winning name."
Brian Scudamore, founder & CEO of 1-800-GOT-JUNK? and O2E Brands
{"Don’t try to name, or re-name, anything without this book! Brand expert Jeremy Miller lays out a proven, step-by-step process that anyone can use to create an unforgettable brand name. Miller’s approach is strategically inspired and brilliantly simple."
Denise Lee Yohn
{"This is such a badly needed book! Part inspiration, part how-to, Brand New Name shows you exactly how to create a brilliant name/brand for your business, product, service, initiative – anything that needs a name."