Category: Brand Messaging

Quarry: Positioning Drives Sales Velocity

Quarry: Positioning Drives Sales Velocity

When you get your positioning right your sales funnel accelerates. Quarry Integrated Marketing has their positioning dialed. It's clear and concise, and it allows their clients to self-select if they're a fit. It makes their brand more findable, referable, memorable and desirable.
Embrace Your Category

Embrace Your Category

Describe your products simply, succinctly and in the language of your customers. Speaking in the language of your customers will make your brand more findable, referable, memorable and desirable.
A Clear Call To Action

A Clear Call To Action

A clear call to action is one of the most important aspects of your website. But it's hard to it get right. Someone stumbles across your website, they find the information compelling, and then ... what's next? Answering "what's next?" can be the difference between a prospect contacting you or having them move on.
Never say, “One Stop Shop”

Never say, “One Stop Shop”

One stop shopping is not a value proposition, it's a compromise. Great brands are not all things to all people. Trying to serve everyone is a formula for losing your competitive advantage.
Sell In The Language Of Your Customers

Sell In The Language Of Your Customers

When your customers don’t understand the words you say, they don’t buy. Convey and communicate your expertise in the language of your customers. Simple, clear communication demonstrates expertise. And simple, clear communication drives sales.
Brand Talking Points

Brand Talking Points

In 60 seconds, what would you say about your brand? If you do an interview on TV or radio, you have at most 60 ...
Take the Jargon-Free Challenge

Take the Jargon-Free Challenge

Buzzwords and acronyms are like Wonder Bread. They may sound impressive, but they're nutritionally deficient for ...
Customers Buy When They Get You

Customers Buy When They Get You

Your customers are crying out for clarity. We live in a cluttered world. We have so many options it's hard to ...
Your purpose is not complicated

Your purpose is not complicated

Microsoft used to have a great purpose, "to put a computer on every desk and in every home." In 1975, people ...
Use Metaphors to Persuade: Take a page from Seth Godin

Use Metaphors to Persuade: Take a page from Seth Godin

Metaphors are very powerful communication tools. They act as a lens, and get people to consider ideas or concepts ...
Customers Want Clarity Not Certainty

Customers Want Clarity Not Certainty

Nothing in life is guaranteed. We know that. We accept that. That's life. So why do organizations try to sell on ...
Sorry, I don’t want your business

Sorry, I don’t want your business

It's hard to turn away business. I know. I've been there. It never feels right to turn someone away, and tell them ...

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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