Category: Sales

Extraverts Are Not Better at Sales, but Neither Are Introverts

Extraverts Are Not Better at Sales, but Neither Are Introverts

There is a myth in business that extraverts are better sales people. Research proves that wrong. Ambiverts outperform both extraverts and introverts.
Is Your Call To Action Too Late?

Is Your Call To Action Too Late?

A B2B customer can be 90% of the way through the buying cycle before they even engage a sales person. Is your call to action too late? Typical call to to actions like "contact us" or "request a demo" only work when the buyer knows what they want. How can you engage your customers sooner?
We Want Relationships, Not Connections

We Want Relationships, Not Connections

Entire industries have formed to facilitate networking. Industry associations, boards of trade, chambers of ...
6 Habits of Great Sales People

6 Habits of Great Sales People

Great sales people possess habits that separate them from everyone else. Every sales rep does the basics: prospect, qualify, negotiate and close. Great reps do the same things, but they do them better.
Websites That Sell Are Different

Websites That Sell Are Different

Most company websites are attractive, functional and tell a good story. But those are table stakes. Websites that sell are different, because they are built for sales.
Scalar: Sales Driven Cultures Build Brands

Scalar: Sales Driven Cultures Build Brands

A sales driven culture is a key differentiator in any high growth company. Scalar is one of Canada's fastest growing IT companies, and they have a culture of sales. They're customer focused, and their sales people are a conduit to their customers.
3 Questions to Ask Before Responding to a RFP

3 Questions to Ask Before Responding to a RFP

Request for Proposal are onerous and time consuming, and the win rate is abysmal. If you're going to respond to RFPs be sure you will win. Ask these 3 questions before responding to any RFP.
Stop Marketing, Start Selling

Stop Marketing, Start Selling

Give your ideas flight. Every great marketing idea starts with a pitch. Get in front of your ideas and sell them. If you don't sell them, no one will.
The Downside of Word of Mouth Marketing

The Downside of Word of Mouth Marketing

Every company wants client referrals, but are you too dependent on word of mouth marketing? Avoid 5 pitfalls of being too dependent on word of mouth marketing.
Distribute Your Content To Drive Sales

Distribute Your Content To Drive Sales

If an article is posted on your website and no one is there to read it, does it make a sale? Nope. It just goes unnoticed. For every hour you create content, invest two more to grow your distribution.
I Hate Cold Calling, But I Still Do It

I Hate Cold Calling, But I Still Do It

Every sales rep worth his salt never stops hunting. I'm not going to wait for the phone to ring. If there's someone I want to reach I'm going to make the call. It’s that simple.
100 Ways To Generate 1 Customer

100 Ways To Generate 1 Customer

How many demand generation programs should a company have? As many as they can manage. In the early days of Amazon, Jeff Bezos gave his staff a clear metric for demand generation. They could buy as many new customers as they wanted provided the acquisition cost was $33 each or less. The goal is to invest in as many programs as you can that profitably generate new business.

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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