Simple Marketing Idea: Send New Year’s Cards

Dec 18, 2015 | Marketing

The holidays are right around the corner, and the post office is busy distributing Christmas cards.

I haven’t gotten into the holiday spirit yet, because it has been so unseasonably warm. Blue Mountain, my local ski resort, is reopening its summer activities this weekend.

Even if Mother Nature isn’t cooperating, my mailbox is telling a different story. Every day a new batch of Christmas cards arrive. They’re festive and fun, but they’re not unique.

The more important day to acknowledge, at least from a business context, is New Year’s.

Spice up your marketing with a New Year’s card. It’s a simple idea that will start your year off on the right foot.

We’re Receptive to Ideas on New Year’s

People are at their most reflective on New Year’s day and their birthday.

These are milestone dates. Another year has passed and it causes people to reflect, ponder, and plan for the future.

On New Year’s we consider what we achieved in the past year:

  • Did I hit my goals?
  • Am I happy?
  • What resolutions should I make for the upcoming year?

These reflective questions are opportune for marketers. A timely message can be powerful.

Celebrate the New Year

Send out New Year’s cards this year.

They’re a novelty. Very few companies send New Year’s cards, which means you have an opportunity to put a message in your customers’ hands that will catch their attention.

New Year’s cards are a simple idea. Easy to execute. And it can set your marketing off on the right foot this year.

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Jeremy Miller

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