Category: Amazon

Define Your Business Strategy By What Won’t Change

Define Your Business Strategy By What Won’t Change

In a world of rapid change, what won't change is where you build a business strategy. These are the constants that anchor your brand, and where you invest your innovation.
Strategy Without a Map

Strategy Without a Map

In a changing marketplace you don't have a map to guide you to success. It's like crossing the Sahara. The dunes are constantly shifting and changing. To cross the Sahara you use a compass, landmarks, and local resources to navigate the terrain and get to your destination. This is an excellent metaphor for growing your business.
Give Your Customers a Reason to Come Back

Give Your Customers a Reason to Come Back

Why should your customers come back? Customer retention starts with your brand. Focus on these 7 points to engage your customers and bring them back again and again.
The Sticky Branding Book Needs You! Join the Launch Team and Get Awesome Rewards

The Sticky Branding Book Needs You! Join the Launch Team and Get Awesome Rewards

I need your help. In a few weeks my new book, Sticky Branding, will be published. Will you help me get the word out about the book, and post a review on Amazon before it's released? Join the Launch Team, and you will receive 5 awesome benefits.
Skura Corporation: Overcoming A Paradigm Shift

Skura Corporation: Overcoming A Paradigm Shift

There are winners and losers with every major technology innovation. Skura was on the losing end of the iPad revolution, and had to reinvent their product and brand. But with careful planning and a commitment to the future, they made purposeful decisions to get ahead of the mess and create a solution that stands head and shoulders above the competition.
100 Ways To Generate 1 Customer

100 Ways To Generate 1 Customer

How many demand generation programs should a company have? As many as they can manage. In the early days of Amazon, Jeff Bezos gave his staff a clear metric for demand generation. They could buy as many new customers as they wanted provided the acquisition cost was $33 each or less. The goal is to invest in as many programs as you can that profitably generate new business.
Goals Shape Brands

Goals Shape Brands

Goals shape brands. They become the guiding purpose of a business, and provide a lightning rod to organize people, create energy and make decisions.
Freemium Services: Be Careful Where You Focus Your Marketing

Freemium Services: Be Careful Where You Focus Your Marketing

The blowback on Instagram changing their service agreement is a wake up call for brands and marketers. Donโ€™t anchor your brand on any one social network. Theyโ€™re not there for you, theyโ€™re there for themselves. The destination of your brand is your website.
How To Monetize Social Media Communities

How To Monetize Social Media Communities

A question I get all the time, โ€œHow do I monetize a social media community?โ€ There are 4 primary ways to monetize an online community: advertising and sponsorship, affiliate marketing, events and experiences, and loyalty programs.
Finding what drives your brand

Finding what drives your brand

Why do you do what you do? Think about it. Why do you get out of bed in the morning? Why do you go to work? Why ...

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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