Category: brand name

How the Frisbee Got Its Brand Name

How the Frisbee Got Its Brand Name

The Frisbee is passing it’s 60th anniversary. It’s remarkable to think how far this brand has gone. Frisbee is now a common word like Kleenex or Xerox. Here's the origin story of how Frisbee got its brand name.
How 3 Common Household Items Got their Names

How 3 Common Household Items Got their Names

How 3 common household items got their brand names. Learn the origin stories of brand names like Arm & Hammer, Bluetooth and WD-40.
How Brand Names Become Verbs

How Brand Names Become Verbs

Not all category defining brands become verbs. There are 2 reasons why brand names become verbs: purpose and popularity. Discover how to convert a brand name into a verb.
Sweet Jesus Isn’t Changing Its Name, Despite a Boycott and Backlash

Sweet Jesus Isn’t Changing Its Name, Despite a Boycott and Backlash

Despite a boycott and backlash of Christians calling the branding “hate speech,” Sweet Jesus is not changing its brand name. I think this is a mistake. Here are 3 reasons why Sweet Jesus needs a new name.
How Nachos Got their Name

How Nachos Got their Name

It's surprising how some of the most common names we interact with daily have fascinating stories. Nachos, for instance, are named after their inventor, Ignacio "Nacho" Anaya.
25 Brand Names That Became Common Words

25 Brand Names That Became Common Words

Great brand names can become common words like Google or Kleenex. These are category defining brands that people convert them into verbs and nouns. See 25 surprising examples of brand names that became common words.
Brand Names Are a Diminishing Resource

Brand Names Are a Diminishing Resource

We're facing a naming drought. Brand naming has never been more challenging, because brand names are becoming a diminishing resource. Every four-character .com domain name has been registered, and soon all the five-character .com’s will be registered too.
How Names Make Ideas Spread

How Names Make Ideas Spread

Names have the power to change the world. They make complex ideas easy to communicate and share. How names like black hole make ideas spread.
Successful Companies Create Great Brands

Successful Companies Create Great Brands

Successful businesses create great brands, and never the other way around. No one cares about your brand if your business is not successful.
Types of Brand Names: The Anatomy of a Name

Types of Brand Names: The Anatomy of a Name

There are hundreds of ways to create a brilliant name for your brand. To spark your creativity explore these 16 types of brand names.
A Brand Name Is the Longest Living Artifact of Your Company

A Brand Name Is the Longest Living Artifact of Your Company

Everything in a business can change over time, but the name does not. A brand name is the longest living artifact of a company. Protect it.
3 Brand Naming Mistakes: How to Avoid Screwing Up Your Brand

3 Brand Naming Mistakes: How to Avoid Screwing Up Your Brand

Avoid these three brand naming mistakes. Simple mistakes can haunt your business and cost it millions of dollars. Make sure you get your brand name right.

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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