Category: Brand Personality

How to Build a Brand

How to Build a Brand

How you build a brand so your customers will know exactly who you are, what you offer, and how you can serve them, is essential for success.
Marketing Plan vs. Marketing Strategy: What’s the Difference?

Marketing Plan vs. Marketing Strategy: What’s the Difference?

Marketing strategy is the why behind the work, and a marketing plan is the when and the what that describes the work. Here's how to use them.
A Little Humor Goes a Long Way

A Little Humor Goes a Long Way

Humor is a powerful customer service tool. Man gets 47 year layover, and receives the funniest customer service response. This is how customer service should really work.
A Brand to Love: Brand Mascots Tug Your Heartstrings

A Brand to Love: Brand Mascots Tug Your Heartstrings

Brand mascots evoke powerful memories that stick with you for a lifetime. Tony the Tiger, the Pillsbury Doughboy, the Jolly Green Giant, and Mr. Clean are all mascots that personify their brands. They provide a human face that we know, like, and trust.
Showcase Your Brand Personality

Showcase Your Brand Personality

The web is filled with zombie brands—brands devoid of any personality that limp along mindlessly copying the competition. Avoid the crowd, and showcase your brand personality.
Expertise Defines Credibility

Expertise Defines Credibility

Until very recently where you worked said a lot about your business and your brand. In the 80's it was ...
Bottling Your Remarkable Factor

Bottling Your Remarkable Factor

What makes your business stand out? Why do your customers seek you out? What is your X-Factor? I wrote in an ...
Personalities can change, but values don’t

Personalities can change, but values don’t

"Hello ladies. Look at your man. Now back to me. Now back at your man. Now back to me. Sadly he isn't me, but if ...
Brand Personalities Sell; They’re Sticky

Brand Personalities Sell; They’re Sticky

Have you ever described someone as "lacking a personality?" As if to say, they were so bland and boring they ...

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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