Category: Brand Storyline

Why Brand Stories Succeed or Fail

Why Brand Stories Succeed or Fail

Storytelling, done right, works. Research demonstrates that stories affect us at a deep neurological level.
Nike’s Kaepernick Campaign Is a Brilliantly Engineered Marketing Strategy

Nike’s Kaepernick Campaign Is a Brilliantly Engineered Marketing Strategy

Nike's Kaepernick ad campaign may be controversial, but it's a brilliant marketing strategy. Nike did the math and recognized consumers will reward them for demonstrating a share value.
Overcome Customer Indifference

Overcome Customer Indifference

You may be passionate about your business and its capabilities, but that doesn't mean anyone else cares. How to break customer indifference.
“That’s Interesting. Tell Me More.”

“That’s Interesting. Tell Me More.”

The 5 best words you can hear a customer say are, "That's interesting. Tell me more." You've caught their attention. You've engaged them. Now you have the power to build a relationship.

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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