Category: buy

Sales Tactic: Use A Door Opener

Sales Tactic: Use A Door Opener

Customers mitigate major purchase decisions by hedging. It's a natural part of the buying cycle. Instead of fighting or avoiding the hedge, use a Door Opener to initiate the sale.
Two Stages of Demand Generation

Two Stages of Demand Generation

Generating leads for your business has two fundamental components: attraction and engagement. Each on its own is not enough. You’ve got to put them together in creative ways to make your brand more findable, referable, memorable and desirable.
A-B-C: Always Be Connecting

A-B-C: Always Be Connecting

A-B-C, Always Be Closing is bad advice. If you don’t have the relationships, you don’t stand a chance. It’s time to change the selling alphabet. It’s not about closing, it’s about connecting.
What’s in a Community? Relationships!

What’s in a Community? Relationships!

Sales is based on relationships. Your customers won’t buy from you unless they like you, trust you and find you credible. But the challenge is relationship building is time consuming. Community building changes this dynamic, and enables you to scale your network far beyond traditional means.
Like, Trust, Buy: It Takes More Than Awareness to Sell

Like, Trust, Buy: It Takes More Than Awareness to Sell

Your customers aren't going to buy from you unless they like and trust you. It's that simple. If they don't like ...

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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