Category: Community

Get Your Social Media Group Dancing

Get Your Social Media Group Dancing

Grow your social media group. Nobody likes to dance alone is the mantra for growing a boundaryless social media community. Make your group a party.
LinkedIn Groups: Cans of Spam

LinkedIn Groups: Cans of Spam

LinkedIn has a problem with their groups. They have communities brimming with potential, but most are choking on spam. It's time to push back, and prevent the self-promoters from making an impact on LinkedIn.
A Community Starts With 1,000 Members

A Community Starts With 1,000 Members

A community starts with 1,000. The reason so many social media groups fail is they don’t achieve a critical mass. They need that first 1,000 members to form the seed of a community.
It Takes One To Know One

It Takes One To Know One

Boomers join associations, young professionals join communities. Professional associations are in a state of decline. Community building is the path to relevance.
Water Cooler Moments: Sparking Conversations

Water Cooler Moments: Sparking Conversations

Water cooler moments are the secret of creating an engaging social media group. They draw people together, spark conversation, and help it grow further, faster.
How To Monetize Social Media Communities

How To Monetize Social Media Communities

A question I get all the time, “How do I monetize a social media community?” There are 4 primary ways to monetize an online community: advertising and sponsorship, affiliate marketing, events and experiences, and loyalty programs.
Nobody Likes To Dance Alone: How to grow a social media community [ebook]

Nobody Likes To Dance Alone: How to grow a social media community [ebook]

Growing a social media group is one of the most effective ways to scale your brand and your network. Whether you choose a LinkedIn Group, a Facebook Page or another network, creating a vibrant social media community is immensely powerful. The challenge is how to get the group off the ground.
What’s in a Community? Relationships!

What’s in a Community? Relationships!

Sales is based on relationships. Your customers won’t buy from you unless they like you, trust you and find you credible. But the challenge is relationship building is time consuming. Community building changes this dynamic, and enables you to scale your network far beyond traditional means.
Leaders Wanted: Choose to Lead in Social Media

Leaders Wanted: Choose to Lead in Social Media

Countless brands stunt their reach on social media, because all they do is broadcast their own content. Check ...
What Makes Kony 2012 So Sticky

What Makes Kony 2012 So Sticky

The Kony 2012 is the fastest spreading viral video of all time. It was published on YouTube on March 5th, and ... v2.0: Brands Are Never Static v2.0: Brands Are Never Static

Last night we flipped the switch, and launched our new website. Welcome to version 2.0 of ...
Think Twice Before Investing in a Social Media Community

Think Twice Before Investing in a Social Media Community

Social media communities may be the "in thing," but are you really sure you want one for your brand? It's easy ...

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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