Category: Company Names

Brand Names Are a Diminishing Resource

Brand Names Are a Diminishing Resource

We're facing a naming drought. Brand naming has never been more challenging, because brand names are becoming a diminishing resource. Every four-character .com domain name has been registered, and soon all the five-character .com’s will be registered too.
A Brand Name Is the Longest Living Artifact of Your Company

A Brand Name Is the Longest Living Artifact of Your Company

Everything in a business can change over time, but the name does not. A brand name is the longest living artifact of a company. Protect it.
Think Twice Before Changing Your Brand Name

Think Twice Before Changing Your Brand Name

Changing your brand name is an expensive proposition. It's like hitting the reset button and can wipe away years of history. Choose to rename your brand under very specific circumstances.
Making Company Names Memorable

Making Company Names Memorable

There's so much riding on a name. It sets the stage for your brand and your customer experience. Think of great ...

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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