Category: Differentiation

Differentiate With Your Business Model

Differentiate With Your Business Model

A lot of marketing is misguided, because it focuses on explaining what a company does and its service category. ...
Passionately Differentiate Your Business

Passionately Differentiate Your Business

Do you ever feel B2B marketing is just a little too clinical? Or better yet, a little too professional? I've ...
Capturing Customer Attention

Capturing Customer Attention

Your customers don't make rational buying decisions. Actually, nobody does. We do the best we can with the ...
Why Do Your Customers Buy?

Why Do Your Customers Buy?

Why do your clients choose your brand? Many people are quick to respond to this question. They'll answer with the ...
Self-Awareness Drives Innovation

Self-Awareness Drives Innovation

Henry Ford famously said, "If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." This quote ...
Customers Buy When They Get You

Customers Buy When They Get You

Your customers are crying out for clarity. We live in a cluttered world. We have so many options it's hard to ...
Be an Orange Tree in an Evergreen Forest

Be an Orange Tree in an Evergreen Forest

What makes your business unique? What do you do differently? Why should I choose you? These are the questions your ...
Put Your Money Where Your Values Are

Put Your Money Where Your Values Are

I always get a chuckle when I see an organization's purpose and values postered on their walls. What are they ...
Packaging Passion. It’s Contagious

Packaging Passion. It’s Contagious

It's incredible to meet someone who is passionate about their work. You can sense their excitement and their ...
Value Propositions Are Experienced Not Stated

Value Propositions Are Experienced Not Stated

You don't have to tell your customers why they should buy. Let them make up their own minds. The idea of the ...
3 Pillars of Lead Generation

3 Pillars of Lead Generation

Lead generation is a process. It can range from very simple word-of-mouth networking to large scale advertising ...
Every Hero Needs a Villain. What Is Your Brand Fighting For?

Every Hero Needs a Villain. What Is Your Brand Fighting For?

Every superhero has a nemesis. Batman has the Joker. Spiderman has the Green Goblin. Superman has Lex Luthor. ...

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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