Category: Failure

Why Rebrands Fail

Why Rebrands Fail

Rebranding is a big decision. It's like hitting the reset button for your company. If mismanaged, rebrand can have disastrous consequences.
Timing Is Everything: Dust Off Old Strategies

Timing Is Everything: Dust Off Old Strategies

A prior failure doesn't mean the idea lacks merit. Timing is everything. Don't let a prior failure hold you back from dusting off and trying the strategy again.
Beware of Management Consultants Bearing Goals

Beware of Management Consultants Bearing Goals

Companies get led astray with weak goals. "50 in 5" ($50 million in 5 years) or "30 in 3" ($30 million in 3 years) sound great on paper, but are rarely achievable. Don't let your team choose shallow commitments and unachievable goals.
Succeed With A Culture Of Failure

Succeed With A Culture Of Failure

Companies often hire consultants so they don’t make mistakes. The challenge is innovation doesn’t happen in a vacuum. And trying to make everything perfect before you act will not mitigate risks, it just delays action.

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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