Category: Persona

A Brand to Love: Brand Mascots Tug Your Heartstrings

A Brand to Love: Brand Mascots Tug Your Heartstrings

Brand mascots evoke powerful memories that stick with you for a lifetime. Tony the Tiger, the Pillsbury Doughboy, the Jolly Green Giant, and Mr. Clean are all mascots that personify their brands. They provide a human face that we know, like, and trust.
The Possibility of Personality

The Possibility of Personality

Break free of the confines of marketing, and add a human face to your brand. Humanizing your company is an immense competitive advantage. It immediately differentiates your firm from everyone else, because it provides a person who embodies your brand.
Expertise Defines Credibility

Expertise Defines Credibility

Until very recently where you worked said a lot about your business and your brand. In the 80's it was ...
Bottling Your Remarkable Factor

Bottling Your Remarkable Factor

What makes your business stand out? Why do your customers seek you out? What is your X-Factor? I wrote in an ...
Speak Up. Let Your Personality Out

Speak Up. Let Your Personality Out

Content fuels the Web. It's what your customers experience online, and what brings your brand to life. Your ...
What Pixar can teach us about Branding

What Pixar can teach us about Branding

Cartoonists and animators have a unique gift to accentuate the positive.  They draw on the essence of an action, ...

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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