Category: Simple Clarity

Differentiate With Your Business Model

Differentiate With Your Business Model

A lot of marketing is misguided, because it focuses on explaining what a company does and its service category. ...
Brand Talking Points

Brand Talking Points

In 60 seconds, what would you say about your brand? If you do an interview on TV or radio, you have at most 60 ...
Take the Jargon-Free Challenge

Take the Jargon-Free Challenge

Buzzwords and acronyms are like Wonder Bread. They may sound impressive, but they're nutritionally deficient for ...
Customers Buy When They Get You

Customers Buy When They Get You

Your customers are crying out for clarity. We live in a cluttered world. We have so many options it's hard to ...
You Don’t Control Your Brand

You Don’t Control Your Brand

You don't define your brand. Your customers do. Think of it this way, a brand is a file folder in your customer's ...
Your purpose is not complicated

Your purpose is not complicated

Microsoft used to have a great purpose, "to put a computer on every desk and in every home." In 1975, people ...
Customers Want Clarity Not Certainty

Customers Want Clarity Not Certainty

Nothing in life is guaranteed. We know that. We accept that. That's life. So why do organizations try to sell on ...
3 Pillars of Lead Generation

3 Pillars of Lead Generation

Lead generation is a process. It can range from very simple word-of-mouth networking to large scale advertising ...
Describe what you do in 10 words or less

Describe what you do in 10 words or less

Your customers have choice. Spend a few minutes on Google or Bing, and you can find virtually anything. Want to ...
Brand Differentiation Starts with Simple Clarity

Brand Differentiation Starts with Simple Clarity

What do you do?  In very simple terms tell me who you are and what you do. It's amazing to hear how few companies ...

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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