Category: Strategy

Strategic Clarity and Why You Can’t Grow Without It

Strategic Clarity and Why You Can’t Grow Without It

Without an effective strategy, you can feel lost. Achieving Strategic Clarity is the process of clearly articulating your brand strategy and positioning so everyone gets it, inside and out. Here's how.
Best Feasible Practices

Best Feasible Practices

Beware of blindly following all industry best practices. They can lead you down a path of conformity and compliance. Look outside your industry for Best Feasible Practices.
Compound Growth Calculator: How to Double the Size of Your Business

Compound Growth Calculator: How to Double the Size of Your Business

With compounding growth, at at 15% growth rate a business will double in size in 5 years. Here's a simple tool to calculate how to double the size of your company.
3 HR Challenges that Derail Every Strategic Plan

3 HR Challenges that Derail Every Strategic Plan

People are the achilles heel of strategic planning. Your best laid plans can be derailed by you and your team. Discover the 3 HR issues that derail every strategic plan.
Play the Game: How Brands Win in Competitive Markets

Play the Game: How Brands Win in Competitive Markets

How to brand your products for e-commerce sites like Amazon or Walmart. It's a competitive sport. You have to play the game to win.
Homeostasis Inhibits Your Company’s Ability to Grow

Homeostasis Inhibits Your Company’s Ability to Grow

Homeostasis is a good thing, unless you want to make a change. Growth strategies are often derailed by an organization’s unstated desire to maintain equilibrium.
Branding Is Multifactorial

Branding Is Multifactorial

Like so many other aspects of life, branding is easier said than done. Branding is theoretically uncomplicated, but the branding process is multifactorial. You have to master a lot of little things to grow your brand.
Rethinking Strategic Planning: Is Your Strategy Really a Strategy?

Rethinking Strategic Planning: Is Your Strategy Really a Strategy?

Goals, Actions, and Priorities are not strategies. They may help inform the creation of a strategy, but they’re not your strategy. Strategy is the process of how you will move your organization from Point A to B.
Bridging the Strategy Gap

Bridging the Strategy Gap

Your company doesn’t have the knowledge, skills and processes it needs to achieve its strategic plan. This is your strategic gap. Build a capabilities roadmap to achieve your strategic objectives. Here's how.
1 Big Goal, 3 Priorities: Team Success Formula

1 Big Goal, 3 Priorities: Team Success Formula

Time is the great equalizer, and the companies who are more focused and productive tend to win more often. Successful teams maximize their time by being very deliberate on two things: 1 Big Goal to focus the organization; 3 priorities / team, every 90 days.
Here’s A Simple Formula to Achieve Your Goals

Here’s A Simple Formula to Achieve Your Goals

Good goals stretch you to change. Use this simple formula to make your goals far more tangible and achievable, "From X to Why by When." Here's how to use the formula in your company.
Be Memorable: Own a Position in Your Customers’ Minds

Be Memorable: Own a Position in Your Customers’ Minds

The enemy of your brand is indifference. Be memorable with a compelling tagline that positions your brand in your customers' minds.

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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