Category: Trust

Family Business Branding: It’s a Mark of Trust

Family Business Branding: It’s a Mark of Trust

Customers trust family businesses more. It doesn't matter if the brand was B2B or B2C. The family business brand creates a mark of trust, and helps to differentiate the company from its competitors.
Unattainable Goals Crush Your Credibility

Unattainable Goals Crush Your Credibility

A stretch goal can be very motivating. It can push you and your team beyond your limits, and achieve great feats. But an unattainable stretch goal can have the opposite effect. It can demotivate your team, and crush your credibility. Rebuilding Trust In A Broken Sector Rebuilding Trust In A Broken Sector

According to the Edelman Trust Barometer, the banks and financial services sector are the least trusted sector. is rebuilding trust by understanding the true needs of average consumers, and creating a service that delights them.
5 Star #Fail

5 Star #Fail

I witnessed one of my favorite brands go from sticky to dud when I discovered they are filtering customer reviews. Their policy to remove negative reviews on their website is destroying the bonds of trust.
Communicate In The Language Of Your Customer

Communicate In The Language Of Your Customer

The fastest way to lose a sale is to make your customer feel stupid. Credibility is established with clear communications. Speak in the language of your customers.
Platform Authenticity: When Self-Promotion Is Annoying

Platform Authenticity: When Self-Promotion Is Annoying

Dump and run is not a marketing strategy. How you market your content is key to effectively growing your audience. Platforms are built on trust and audience engagement.
Customers Need Trust, Not Discounts

Customers Need Trust, Not Discounts

Discounts, promotions and cheap prices are shortcuts to grow your sales, but anyone can offer them. And if anyone can do it, you can’t grow a sticky brand. Price is a race to the bottom.
A-B-C: Always Be Connecting

A-B-C: Always Be Connecting

A-B-C, Always Be Closing is bad advice. If you don’t have the relationships, you don’t stand a chance. It’s time to change the selling alphabet. It’s not about closing, it’s about connecting.
Overcoming Sales Objections

Overcoming Sales Objections

Sales people claim to lose a deal for 3 reasons: price, features, reputation. But these are superficial reasons. To avoid objections stop selling, and start facilitating.
What’s in a Community? Relationships!

What’s in a Community? Relationships!

Sales is based on relationships. Your customers won’t buy from you unless they like you, trust you and find you credible. But the challenge is relationship building is time consuming. Community building changes this dynamic, and enables you to scale your network far beyond traditional means.
Like, Trust, Buy: It Takes More Than Awareness to Sell

Like, Trust, Buy: It Takes More Than Awareness to Sell

Your customers aren't going to buy from you unless they like and trust you. It's that simple. If they don't like ...
You Can Only Lose Credibility Once

You Can Only Lose Credibility Once

Losing your credibility is like losing your virginity. You can only lose it once. My friend Jim Stewart shared ...

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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