Category: Value Proposition

Never Brand Without A Plan

Never Brand Without A Plan

You wouldn't build a house without a blueprint. That would be insane. Could you imagine starting a building ...
Bottling Your Remarkable Factor

Bottling Your Remarkable Factor

What makes your business stand out? Why do your customers seek you out? What is your X-Factor? I wrote in an ...
Your Value Proposition Is Not Enough

Your Value Proposition Is Not Enough

It's easy to focus your marketing on the tangible stuff: the cost of your products and services; the features and ...
You Don’t Control Your Brand

You Don’t Control Your Brand

You don't define your brand. Your customers do. Think of it this way, a brand is a file folder in your customer's ...
Value Propositions Are Experienced Not Stated

Value Propositions Are Experienced Not Stated

You don't have to tell your customers why they should buy. Let them make up their own minds. The idea of the ...
Fear Doesn’t Sell

Fear Doesn’t Sell

Fear is a powerful emotion. It's up there with joy, lust and anger. It's a basic, raw emotion that directly ...
3 Pillars of Lead Generation

3 Pillars of Lead Generation

Lead generation is a process. It can range from very simple word-of-mouth networking to large scale advertising ...
Are sales calls a good use of your time?

Are sales calls a good use of your time?

Making sales calls are fun. You get to meet new people, understand their challenges, share insights and present ...
How to Develop a Strong Service Firm Brand

How to Develop a Strong Service Firm Brand

What separates one professional service firm from another? Its people. But how do you know one firm's people are ...

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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