April 30, 2013

Muldoon's Coffee: Cultivating Adoring Customers

Jeremy Miller

The hallmark of a sticky brand is adoring customers. Not just repeat customers, or customers who refer you. But customers who sing your praises.\

I witnessed the power of adoring customers at the Family Business Forum held in Toronto last week.

Larry Rosen, the CEO of Harry Rosen, got up and said “We love Muldoon’s Coffee.” He went on to say the Starbucks’ on Bloor St. (a few doors down from his flagship store) complained, because too many of their customers are going to Harry Rosen for coffee.

In front of 130 business owners and executives, Muldoon’s Coffee received a ringing endorsement.

You can’t fake customer relationships

Muldoon’s Coffee operates in the highly competitive corporate coffee market, but they stand out in their industry like an orange tree in an evergreen forest.

The company is run by two outgoing brothers, Jimmy and Shaun Muldoon. Simply put, they are a couple of characters. They delivered a presentation in the first half of the Family Business Forum, and stole the show with their personality and humor.

During their talk they hammered home their corporate philosophy: love your customers, love what you do.

It was obvious their philosophy was not a tagline. It was who they were and how they approached business. Their commitment to customer relationships was baked into the fabric of their business.

Unsolicited, authentic support

Larry Rosen didn’t have to acknowledge the Muldoons. He was there to deliver a talk on the success of his business, Harry Rosen.

Harry Rosen is a story unto itself. It is the largest retailer of designer menswear in Canada. It has 15 locations conducting over $230 million in sales annually. Harry Rosen is an incredible brand.

But Larry took the time to acknowledge the Muldoons as their coffee supplier, and showcased how their quality and service reinforces the Harry Rosen brand promise.

Good does not garner adoring

We all work with plenty of companies that do a good job. They’re efficient, effective and deliver good value for the price. But good isn’t enough.

Good is average, and average isn’t worth bragging about.

The Muldoons stand out with their personal touch. Jimmy and Shaun are outgoing, gregarious guys. They know their customers, and their customers know them.

Muldoon’s Coffee also stands out with a superior product. The company roasts its own coffee beans to ensure flavor and consistency. They aren’t pushing industrial office coffee. They’re delivering an experience.

The personal touch coupled with a superior product elevates a mundane service into something worth talking about.

Adoring customers is a commitment

No one ever developed adoring customers by being average. It takes a commitment to do something outstanding.

The challenge is finding ways to deliver a superior experience for your clients—an experience they will value, and an experience they will willingly share because it makes an impression on them.

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