Branding Keynote Speaker with Jeremy Miller

Talks to Inspire

In-person and virtual keynotes and workshops that inspire,
educate, and motivate.

Meet Jeremy
Jeremy Miller is an inspirational branding keynote speaker and workshop facilitator. His blend of expertise, humor, stories, and actionable ideas will inspire you and your audience to grow a Sticky Brand.

Jeremy’s keynote helped differentiate BASF from the competition.

Troy Neuerburg

I would recommend Jeremy to anyone who wants to leap forward in their brand.

Roy Bernheim

Jeremy is one of those speakers you love to listen to.

Michelle Ribout

Delighted Clients

About Jeremy

Named one of the “Top 30 Global Brand Gurus,” Jeremy Miller inspires you to grow a Sticky Brand. He gets you to think differently about marketing, branding, and innovation. Through stories and group activities, Jeremy demonstrates that you are creative, your team is creative, and inside every organization is immense creative potential. In that insight, you will learn how to grow your brand from the inside out.

Check Jeremy’s Availability
A photo of Jeremy Miller smiling

Our Favorite Topics

Sticky Branding

Create a First Choice Advantage

Do customers choose your brand first? This question is the essence of branding. Branding isn’t about logos, taglines, or colors. Branding is about the bond you form with customers — a bond where they choose your brand first. This is what separates average companies from Sticky Brands. When you have a Sticky Brand, your customers think of your brand first, refer it first, and come back again and again. That relationship is what makes your brand sticky.

Slingshot Strategy

How to Win When the Rules Keep Changing

Your brand has a shelf life, and it’s getting shorter! The strategies and tactics that worked well three years ago are running out of steam today. AI is bigger than the internet, and its impact on your marketing is profound. The best defense to AI is your brand. Does your team have the ability to adapt to win? Learn how to win when the rules keep changing.

Brand New Name

How to Create an Unforgettable Brand Name

Every entrepreneur, business owner, and marketer has to name something — at least once. It’s part of the job. You need a name to start your business, create a product, launch a campaign, or share an idea. Everything, literally everything, has a name. Jeremy shows you the persuasive power of words and how to make your business and brand unforgettable!

Everyone Is Creative

How to Build Your Brand from the Inside Out

What makes your business and brand remarkable isn’t your marketing. It’s your people. All great brands are built by people — smart, ambitious, creative people. And the key word is “creative.” You need creativity to innovate, deal with disruption, and to find ways to serve your customers brilliantly. Inside every organization is immense creative potential, and that is the secret to growing your brand.

Next Generation Branding

How to Grow Your Brand Through
the Generations

If you have an opportunity to call your company a family business, do it. Customers trust family businesses more. And the data proves it. Family businesses are uniquely positioned to grow incredible brands, but the challenge is navigating the brand through the generations. The strategies and tactics that made the first (or current) generation successful won’t necessarily make the next generation successful. Discover how to grow your family business brand into a mark of trust.

Every talk is custom.
Tailor it for your event!

Simple Clarity

Describe your brand in 10 words or less.

3% Rule

Create a First Choice Advantage.

Authentic Differentiation

Stand out like an orange tree in an evergreen forest.

Be Everywhere

If you don’t blow your own horn, nobody will.

Spark Engagement

Get clients to say, “That’s interesting. Tell me more.”

Position to Win

Choose where to play and how to win.

Provocative Selling

Provoke your customers
to buy!

Marketing Disrupted

How to win when the rules keep changing.

Brand Naming

How to create an unforgettable name.

Slingshot Strategy

Rapidly close revenue gaps and drive sales.

Employee Co-Creation

Unlock the creative genius of teams.

Branding For Sales

If your brand doesn’t sell, it’s not working.

Inspired to Brand

Get a weekly email with ideas, stories, and best practices to grow a Sticky Brand!

Media Kit

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