July 15, 2021
Brand Differentiation
There’s a strange disconnect in branding. The companies that are most likely to be lionized and talked about are built for mass exposure.
For instance:
Put into context, these companies have business models that demand massive reach and brand awareness.
The same is true for some of the most talked about brands through the pandemic: Skip the Dishes, Shopify, and Zoom. These companies had a moment in time, and they capitalized on it.
Not all brands need the marketing horsepower or name recognition of Apple or McDonald’s, but they can still have truly remarkable businesses and brands.
I am interviewing and collecting stories for the upcoming Sticky Branding Podcast (launching September 2021). What I have been struck by again and again is many of the companies I am featuring are everyday businesses that are building remarkable brands.
They are not household brand names. They don’t spend tens of millions of dollars on advertising. Most are niche or local businesses. But they’re really freaking cool! Element Fitness, for instance, is one of Canada’s largest CrossFit gyms. Due to government lockdown orders, its facilities have been closed 410 days out of 486 days!
Can you imagine?
Here’s what’s mind melty. Alex Cibiri, Element’s owner, did not lay off staff. In fact, he has maintained profitability through the pandemic. Element had a 92% member retention rate with a 9.8 Net Promoter score for member satisfaction, and they have a huge waiting list of new members who cannot wait to get into the gym when the lockdown finally ends in the coming days.
Alex is an entrepreneur and an innovator, and Element Fitness definitely has a Sticky Brand.
I am capturing stories that you wouldn’t hear elsewhere.
Shared experiences was a core premise of my book, Sticky Branding. I profiled 150 companies from around the world. You gain insights from your peers that you cannot gain anywhere else.
We are bringing the same approach to the Sticky Branding Podcast. These are 20 minute interviews with CEOs and business owners of small- to mid-sized companies. We are looking for companies that are innovating, challenging the giants of their industry, and growing their businesses and brands.
Does that sound like your company?
The basic requirement is 25 or more employees, 3+ years in business, and an interesting story to share. If you’re interested send me a note and we’ll get you scheduled.
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A Sticky Brand is the fastest and most effective way to grow your business. When your clients know your brand, like it, and trust it — they will choose you first! We’ll show you how!