May 8, 2010
Branding Strategies
Recessions force companies to reset, and do more with less. As business declines, companies have to reduce their staff, improve their efficiencies, and even change their business models to remain competitive. This isn't a choice; it's a necessity. Doing more with less is hard. It puts added strain on the organization, its resources, and its people. For example, jobs are consolidated, and employees find themselves doing the work of two or more people. These are challenging circumstances.
Improving the focus of your business has three key advantages:
Ok, too many people use Apple as a case study (and yes, I am guilty of this too), but they do so many things, so well. One of the key things Apple does well is focus. Tim Cook, the COO of Apple, commented to PC World:
"This is the most focused company I know of, am aware of, or have any knowledge of," Cook said. "We say no to good ideas every day" so that the company can keep its focus on a small number of areas. Cook took note of the tables conference attendees were sitting at, and pointed out that most of Apple's product line could fit on those tables. "And we had revenue last year of $40 billion."
As you consider your business and your brand, how can you be more focused?
Focus is an ongoing process. It requires you to make clear choices, and be purposeful in your decisions. This is hard. Being focused means you have to say "no." Be strong. Focus is the answer to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your business, and is also the answer for how to do more with less.
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