December 6, 2016
Branding Strategies
Customer service is a point of pride for many organizations, but also a valuable brand differentiator.
Zappos, for instance, treats customer service as its primary brand differentiator. Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos, said, "We decided a long time ago that we didn't want our brand to be just about shoes, or clothing, or even online retailing. We decided that we wanted to build our brand to be about the very best customer service and the very best customer experience."
Zappos is an inspirational story. Founded in 1999, the company has grown into the number one destination to buy shoes and apparel online. The company was so dominant that Amazon acquired Zappos in 2009 for $1.2 billion, but allowed the brand to live on. Amazon wanted to keep intact the culture of customer service that Tony Hsieh and his team had created.With the right application, customer service can be a powerful brand differentiator. It can help mitigate perceived buying risks, reduce price sensitivity, and give your customers a reason to come back.Here's the challenge. Customer service on its own is not a differentiator. Any company can claim to offer exceptional customer service. More importantly, customers expect great service. No customer is going to tolerate being treated poorly or rudely. They'll take their business elsewhere.
Customer service can only become a brand differentiator after you define how your company delivers service uniquely and better than anyone else.
"Customer service" is actually an abbreviation for how Zappos competes and wins. As the company succinctly states, "Zappos customers enjoy free shipping, free returns, and 24/7 customer service!"
Customer service can be amorphous and nebulous, especially if you focus on "relationships." Zappos demonstrates how to convert customer service into a brand differentiator. The company clearly defines where it delights its customers and how they do it:
These three areas of service work for Zappos for two reasons:
Focusing on free shipping, free returns, and 24/7 support is how Zappos defines "customer service." How do you define customer service for your brand?
Customer service only becomes a differentiator when you clearly define how you serve your customers better than anyone else.
To identify the levers of customer service in your brand consider the following:
I am willing to bet it's the little things that will delight your customers. The hard part is building the organizational focus and infrastructure to transition customer service into a true brand differentiator.
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