May 27, 2010
Personal Branding
Attractive people are more persuasive than ugly people, and the same goes for websites.
Attraction is a well understood factor of persuasion. Physically attractive people have a distinct advantage. They appear more interesting, more influential and they can ask more of the people around them. Basically they get what they want.
Unattractive people aren't so lucky. They have to work that much harder to demonstrate their capabilities. Think back to when Susan Boyle entered the reality-TV scene. Her introduction video on YouTube is classic. Simon Cowell and the other judges were skeptical of her capabilities, and utterly astonished when she started to sing. It's as if they thought Boyle's physical appearance was an accurate predicator of her singing potential. Obviously it wasn't.
Websites are similar to people. Ugly websites just have to work harder. For example, when you come across a company with a great product, but an ugly out-of-date website, it creates dissonance. It causes you to question the product and the company, and it taints your memory of the product. Basically the disjointed experiences make you second guess yourself.
There really isn't any excuse to have an ugly, disorganized website. Design is a very controllable element of your brand. Your customers are judging you with their eyes. That's the nature of the Web. We look at websites. We watch videos. We read content. The first way we judge a company and its capabilities is with our eyes. That means you need to exceed your customers' visual expectations. The challenge is design is a moving target. Tastes and fashions change, and technology moves forward at a relentless pace. A website starts to look out of date within 2 years of being launched. That means companies have to keep upgrading and managing their design to stay current, attractive and relevant.
Every company needs to instill a design ethic. A design ethic is a commitment to present your brand, your services and your company with visual purpose. It isn't simply about copying the competition or jumping on what's trendy. It's about displaying what is remarkable about your company and its products and services. It's about valuing design, and making sure you always present yourself in the best way possible.
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