In this Issue
❓ Uncertainty Tax
😍 Choose Your Brand
🐝 Be Helpful

❓ Uncertainty Tax
“It’s business as usual… but wait and see,” said the head of North American manufacturing for a global automotive brand. It was one of the most unsettling things I’ve heard.
He was right. It is business as usual. They are producing cars and moving forward with current production. But they aren’t starting anything new.
Tariffs are not the issue. Uncertainty and not knowing policy direction is preventing capital investment.
Uncertainty may be the greatest obstacle to business growth in 2025. Businesses thrive with stability because they can make investments and plan forward. Even when interest rates were high, there was enough market stability that businesses could act.
Uncertainty leads to indecision, which brings out the worst option in business: Turtling. 🐢
Turtling or riding it out is never an option. “Wait and see” can lead you to a dark place with declining revenue, increased competition, and fewer and fewer options.
In the face of an Uncertainty Tax, choose positivity. Choose your brand. You actually do have options, but it requires reframing your mindset and approach to the market.

😍 Choose Your Brand
Whatever you feel about the economic prospects of 2025, it’s worth noting you have the power to shape your brand. Face the uncertainty head on with positivity.
In this market, you cannot afford to stand still. It will kill you.
Choose your brand. Kings are made in downturns because there are winners and losers. The losers tend to retreat and turtle, while the winners proactively capture market share, innovate, and grow new markets.
It’s a matter of mindset. The companies that choose optimism and positivity can look at the marketplace with clear eyes. They see things that others miss. They act because they have confidence.
Your brand has so much potential. It can adapt and change. And that’s exciting. The strategic choices you make today will shape what your brand becomes.
🐝 Be Helpful
The most effective way to overcome uncertainty is to be helpful!
Ask these questions to know where to go next:
- Who needs our company and its expertise the most right now?
- What products or services can we deliver to solve real problems that are valued?
- How do we proactively sell and deliver our services to the people who need them most?
You will never be stuck when your business is helpful.
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