What can Sticky Branding do for me?

Oct 13, 2020 | Sticky Brands

At Sticky Branding, we work with some pretty remarkable people and companies. I asked three of our clients to speak candidly about what it’s like to work with Sticky Branding and what they have achieved.

These videos will give you a glimpse into our consulting services.

Fruitland Manufacturing

Fruitland Manufacturing is a global leader of mobile vacuum pumps. They manufacture pumps that go on vacuum trucks used in a variety of sectors such as oil and gas, septic, porta-potties, and environmental.

Chris White, CEO of Fruitland said, “Sticky Branding has been instrumental in opening up a whole new awareness of how effective marketing can be. We’ve seen opportunities open up to us that we wouldn’t have seen otherwise.”

Last Minute Training

Last Minute Training had to act fast. As specialists in training and managing the logistics of learning events, 90% of their business was based on live events. Within weeks we helped them redefine their strategy and brand positioning to become leaders in the virtual event arena.

Louis Trahan, founder of Last Minute Training said, “By applying Sticky Branding methodologies to our ideas we were really quickly able to determine if there was a market there or whether it was just a good idea.”

I have been impressed! In fact, Louis and his team have produced virtual events for three of Sticky Branding’s clients and they have all been smashing successes. We are seeing a whole new way to incorporate virtual events into marketing and brand building.

Central Smith

If you’ve had ice cream in any Canadian restaurant, you’ve eaten Central Smith’s ice cream. Central Smith is one of Canada’s largest ice cream manufacturers and their business is thriving.

Jenn Scates, Vice President of Central Smith said, “Working with Sticky Branding is probably the most valuable time you get to work on your company, because you get to really learn who you are and what you do and your purpose and your why.”

How We Help You

Sticky Branding helps you develop and implement marketing strategies to grow your business. We help our clients in three key areas:

  • Clear Brand Messaging: Be able to tell your story in a way that is compelling and everyone gets.
  • Marketing Strategies That Work: Implement sales and marketing strategies that get you to the right buyers at the right time with the right message.
  • Slingshot Strategy: Develop and implement a strategy to grow your business and come out of the pandemic stronger than ever.

If you’d like to discover how Sticky Branding can help you, let’s chat. Here’s a link to my calendar.

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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Our Slingshot Strategy is an expert-guided process designed to lead your business into a phase of growth.