May 29, 2014

Delight Your Customers

Jeremy Miller

Brand Differentiation

Small acts of generosity can completely shift your client relationships. A surprise. A gift. An acknowledgement. They all have the power to delight your customers, and convert them into fans.

This week I experienced a neat moment of delight. I was listening to Anna Farmery's podcast, The Engaging Brand, on my way home from a client meeting. I was completely taken aback, because I was mentioned as her “listener of the week.”

Every week Anna acknowledges her fans at the start of her show. She has a little draw where she pulls names from a flowerpot of people who shared her podcast. And whoever's name is drawn receives a little “goody bag.” This week I happened to win.

A small acknowledgement

I wasn't expecting to have my name drawn. Actually, I hadn't even considered it a possibility. The Engaging Brand is a popular business podcast with a dedicated following. But the simple acknowledgement made my day. It made me smile from ear-to-ear.

Delighting your customers doesn't have to be over the top. A small acknowledgement is more than enough. A thank you card, some value-add services, or some other way to share your appreciation.

It's the personal gesture that counts. It personalizes the experience, and lets people know you're paying attention to them.

Demonstrate you care

Delight your customers by demonstrating you genuinely care about them.

For example, Jim Gilbert's Wheels and Deals mails birthday gifts to all their customers. The program resonates with their market and delights their customers, because a birthday is a special moment. It's a milestone, but is often forgotten or goes unrecognized.

Wheels and Deals never forgets a birthday. Every year they send their clients a small gift to acknowledge the day and demonstrate they care. Even customers that haven't purchased a vehicle in five or ten years still get gifts.Those little acknowledgements create a spark. They bring a smile to your customer's face, and create a moment of delight.

Take a genuine interest

You can't fake it. You either care about your customers, or you don't. If you do, and I'm pretty sure you do, find opportunities to demonstrate your appreciation.

It doesn't have to be expensive or elaborate. Look for simple ways to recognize your clients, and bring a smile to their face. Those little sparks can make all the difference in the world. They elevate your brand, and convert customers into fans.

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