July 20, 2021

Launching a New Sticky Branding Website

Jeremy Miller

Sticky Branding Updates

Your brand is a work in progress. Mine too! But after periods of growth or rapid change you can feel like you’ve created a Frankenbrand.

That’s what happened to Sticky Branding. 2020 was a year of immense change. We launched two new ebooks — Crisis Marketing and Empowerment = Performance — new services and multiple website iterations.

By the start of this year we didn’t recognize ourselves anymore. We had a Frankenbrand.

So we set out to change that. I am excited to announce the launch of Sticky Branding’s newest website.

We took a deliberate strategy with the new site:

  • Positioning: We are Strategy Coaches. Sticky Branding creates branding and growth strategies that dramatically improve sales performance and slingshots your business forward.
  • Client Results: Sticky Branding works with remarkable companies, and it’s our privilege to showcase their brands and accomplishments.
  • Videos: We are emphasizing video throughout the site, especially in the Approach section. The videos share our methodology and what you can expect when you work with Sticky Branding.

What do you think?

I’d welcome your feedback on the site. Send us a note from the Contact Page. My philosophy is a website should sell as well as its best salesperson. Did we accomplish that?

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A Sticky Brand is the fastest and most effective way to grow your business. When your clients know your brand, like it, and trust it — they will choose you first! We’ll show you how!