Category: People

Working with the Wrong People is like Driving on Bald Tires. You get no traction.

Working with the Wrong People is like Driving on Bald Tires. You get no traction.

Working with the wrong people is like driving on bald tires. You can never seem to get traction. Here's how to identify if you have the right people on your team
A’s Hire A’s, and B’s Hire C’s

A’s Hire A’s, and B’s Hire C’s

Talent is the great divider of brands. Your organization's ability to attract, hire, and organize talented people is what will separate it from the competition. As Donald Rumsfeld famously said, "A's hire A's and B's hire C's."
Great Brands Are About People: Ambitious, Impatient People

Great Brands Are About People: Ambitious, Impatient People

Great brands are built by people — ambitious and impatient people. People who want to make a significant change, and make it now. Anyone can learn the principles of branding, but without the right people those strategies won't amount to a hill of beans.
AnswerPlus: The Customer Comes Third

AnswerPlus: The Customer Comes Third

"The Customer Comes Third" is an intriguing and counterintuitive core values, but fundamental to AnswerPlus's services, relationships and brand. They build their brand from the inside out. Dana Lloyd, CEO of AnswerPlus says, "Our brand is our culture, and our culture is our people,"
Ignore Your Values, Crash Your Brand

Ignore Your Values, Crash Your Brand

Strategies can change, but values don’t. Your company’s values are the glue that holds it together. If you tamper with your values you risk crashing your brand, and jeopardizing or even destroying your business.

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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