Category: Goals

The Most Powerful Leadership Question

The Most Powerful Leadership Question

When you miss a goal ask yourself a very deep, powerful question, "What was it about my leadership that led to this result?" The buck stops with you. How is your leadership influencing your outcomes?
Personal Performance Management: Manage The Behaviors

Personal Performance Management: Manage The Behaviors

What gets managed gets measured, and what gets measured gets done. Personal performance management tips to make you more successful, and achieve your goals more consistently.
Give Your SMART Goals Meaning

Give Your SMART Goals Meaning

Create SMART Aspirational Goals for your company — create SMARTY Goals. Combine a numeric target with an aspirational vision to drive action. Your people need to know the "why" behind a goal to get fully behind it.
Unattainable Goals Crush Your Credibility

Unattainable Goals Crush Your Credibility

A stretch goal can be very motivating. It can push you and your team beyond your limits, and achieve great feats. But an unattainable stretch goal can have the opposite effect. It can demotivate your team, and crush your credibility.
Modern Engineering: BHAGs Drive Innovation

Modern Engineering: BHAGs Drive Innovation

BHAGs drive performance. Modern Engineering is one of the oldest machine shops in British Columbia, but they are standing out with a big hairy audacious goal, a BHAG. The goal stretches Modern to try things beyond their reach, but it also focuses their team on what's important.
Measuring New Year’s Resolutions

Measuring New Year’s Resolutions

The New Year is a time for renewed optimism and planning. Before you start plotting your priorities for the upcoming year, take a moment and look backwards. Measure your New Year's Resolutions by looking to past milestones, and then setting goals and measures based on how far you've already come.
Goals Shape Brands

Goals Shape Brands

Goals shape brands. They become the guiding purpose of a business, and provide a lightning rod to organize people, create energy and make decisions.
Shoot Higher: Is Your Strategy Big Enough?

Shoot Higher: Is Your Strategy Big Enough?

A company must seek to win in a particular place in a particular way. If it doesn’t seek to win, it is wasting the time of its people and investors. What is your company striving to achieve?
New Year’s Resolutions Are A Marathon, Not A Sprint

New Year’s Resolutions Are A Marathon, Not A Sprint

New Year's Resolutions are a marathon, not a sprint. If you’re serious about achieving your Resolutions this year, break them down into small steps that you can consistently execute every week.
Predictions For 2013: Life Continues

Predictions For 2013: Life Continues

2013 is around the corner, and everyone has predictions. Avoid them. No one can predict the future, but you can control your future by staying focused, working hard, having fun and being of value to others.
Simple Ways to Amplify Your Impact in Life

Simple Ways to Amplify Your Impact in Life

Think of impact as your purpose. It doesn't have to be complex, it should be clear and actionable. Ask, “What impact do you I want to make?”
Half-Year Tune-Up: Revisiting Your New Year’s Resolutions

Half-Year Tune-Up: Revisiting Your New Year’s Resolutions

We just passed the halfway mark in the year. June 2 was the midpoint of 2012, and now is an ideal time to revisit ...

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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