Category: Sales

Amplify Your Story

Amplify Your Story

When a brand resonates with its target market the sales job is easy. The customer self selects, because the story fits. Find ways to amplify your story.
Quarry: Positioning Drives Sales Velocity

Quarry: Positioning Drives Sales Velocity

When you get your positioning right your sales funnel accelerates. Quarry Integrated Marketing has their positioning dialed. It's clear and concise, and it allows their clients to self-select if they're a fit. It makes their brand more findable, referable, memorable and desirable.
A Clear Call To Action

A Clear Call To Action

A clear call to action is one of the most important aspects of your website. But it's hard to it get right. Someone stumbles across your website, they find the information compelling, and then ... what's next? Answering "what's next?" can be the difference between a prospect contacting you or having them move on.
100 Ways To Generate 1 Customer

100 Ways To Generate 1 Customer

How many demand generation programs should a company have? As many as they can manage. In the early days of Amazon, Jeff Bezos gave his staff a clear metric for demand generation. They could buy as many new customers as they wanted provided the acquisition cost was $33 each or less. The goal is to invest in as many programs as you can that profitably generate new business.
7 Seas: A Brand Starts With A Relationship

7 Seas: A Brand Starts With A Relationship

A great brand name and packaging is only valuable if you get your product onto the store shelves. The foundation of a great brand is relationships—strong ones that you grow and nurture. There are always gatekeepers who will either support you or block you. Without their endorsement, your brand doesn't stand a chance.
Communicate In The Language Of Your Customer

Communicate In The Language Of Your Customer

The fastest way to lose a sale is to make your customer feel stupid. Credibility is established with clear communications. Speak in the language of your customers.
Creativity Creates Work

Creativity Creates Work

Creativity is a double-edged sword, because every good idea generates a mountain of work. Apply rails to your projects with clear outcomes so you don't innovate needlessly.
Breaking Buying Habits

Breaking Buying Habits

The greatest obstacle to sales is indifference. Your customers are on autopilot, and make decisions out of habit. Break their buying habits to consider new ideas and your services.
First Call Advantage: Be Your Clients’ First Choice

First Call Advantage: Be Your Clients’ First Choice

At any given time 3% of your market is buying, the rest are not. Develop client relationships 3 years before you're needed to be your clients' first choice when they're ready to buy.
Demand Generation: How It Works

Demand Generation: How It Works

Demand generation is a process. It starts with understanding how your clients buy, and developing strategies to be their first choice when they have a need for your expertise.
Cold Calling Is Still Dead

Cold Calling Is Still Dead

Cold calling stopped being a viable lead generation option years ago. But for some reason some companies hold onto it like it’s an art form. It’s not. It’s futile.

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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