Category: Jeremy Miller

Social Media Strategy; It’s More Than Marketing

Social Media Strategy; It’s More Than Marketing

71% of companies in the U.S. don't have a social media strategy, according to a recent Manpower study. The report ...
Dog-Whistle Politics

Dog-Whistle Politics

Politics is a fertile ground for marketing innovation. The stakes are high, there's a lot of money in play and ...
Inconsistency Repels Customers

Inconsistency Repels Customers

When you peel back the onion of your life, you will find a series of habits. Most are ingrained and unconscious. ...
Use Metaphors to Persuade: Take a page from Seth Godin

Use Metaphors to Persuade: Take a page from Seth Godin

Metaphors are very powerful communication tools. They act as a lens, and get people to consider ideas or concepts ...
Customers Want Clarity Not Certainty

Customers Want Clarity Not Certainty

Nothing in life is guaranteed. We know that. We accept that. That's life. So why do organizations try to sell on ...
There’s no such thing as a “Social Media Guru”

There’s no such thing as a “Social Media Guru”

There's a lot of self-proclaimed Social Media Gurus pushing their services these days. Their mission is to ...
Making Company Names Memorable

Making Company Names Memorable

There's so much riding on a name. It sets the stage for your brand and your customer experience. Think of great ...
Blog for leads, write for ideas

Blog for leads, write for ideas

There's something very cathartic about blogging. You can't simply write one article and walk away. Every week you ...
3 Pillars of Lead Generation

3 Pillars of Lead Generation

Lead generation is a process. It can range from very simple word-of-mouth networking to large scale advertising ...
Time to Abandon the ‘American Dream’

Time to Abandon the ‘American Dream’

I can't help but think there's something off in our society. Our priorities, our objectives, our lifestyle all ...
Bringing brands to life with real people

Bringing brands to life with real people

All great stories are based on characters. Characters bring a story to life through their dialogue, their actions ...

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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