Category: Branding Strategies

Selling On Price Sucks

Selling On Price Sucks

I used to think the best way to increase prices and achieve higher margins was to add more value to my services. I ...
Have a Problem? Study Your Customers

Have a Problem? Study Your Customers

Too often companies get caught navel gazing to solve marketing problems. They seek answers from within. They ask ...
You Don’t Control Your Brand

You Don’t Control Your Brand

You don't define your brand. Your customers do. Think of it this way, a brand is a file folder in your customer's ...
Your Most Valuable Asset: Your Database

Your Most Valuable Asset: Your Database

Content is cheap. Basically anyone can publish a blog, setup a Facebook Page or post a few tweets. Creating and ...
Dog-Whistle Politics

Dog-Whistle Politics

Politics is a fertile ground for marketing innovation. The stakes are high, there's a lot of money in play and ...
The Achilles’ Heel of Branding

The Achilles’ Heel of Branding

Today is August 31. For some it's a month end, and for others it's a quarterly end or a year end. Sales people are ...
Brand Basics: Establish a Relationship of Trust

Brand Basics: Establish a Relationship of Trust

Trust is an integral part of social influence. If you want your customers to buy, then they better trust ...
Managing your brand with positive rituals

Managing your brand with positive rituals

All top performing athletes have rituals. They help them focus on doing the right things. During the 2010 British ...
Finding what drives your brand

Finding what drives your brand

Why do you do what you do? Think about it. Why do you get out of bed in the morning? Why do you go to work? Why ...
Personalities can change, but values don’t

Personalities can change, but values don’t

"Hello ladies. Look at your man. Now back to me. Now back at your man. Now back to me. Sadly he isn't me, but if ...
The 2 Most Important Dates of the Year

The 2 Most Important Dates of the Year

People are at their most reflective on New Year's day and their birthday. These are milestone dates. Another year ...
Customers Don’t Want Partners, They Want Results

Customers Don’t Want Partners, They Want Results

Too often companies talk about "partnering" with their customers. What does that mean? And more importantly, do ...

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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