Category: Brand

6 Brand Metrics To Drive Sales

6 Brand Metrics To Drive Sales

"You can't manage what you can't measure." Sage advice. I'm not interested in the soft-squishy side of marketing. I want to see brand strategies that clearly move the sales needle. Mid-market companies can look to six brand metrics that drive sales.
First Affiliated: Bastardizing A Brand Category

First Affiliated: Bastardizing A Brand Category

Marketers have an annoying habit of converting real functionality into marketing hype. The financial services sector is particularly guilty of this, but First Affiliated is working hard to defend the Multi-Family Office category. Ward off the marketers that are trying to piggyback on your success. Promote the category first and your brand second
Alpha Poly Packaging: Easy In, Impossible Out

Alpha Poly Packaging: Easy In, Impossible Out

Manufacturers grow their brands by innovating and staying a step ahead. Alpha Poly Packaging, a manufacturer of film and bag packaging, strategy can be described as "easy in, impossible out." Clients come for the products, but stay for services that help them run their business and deliver results. Alpha is growing a sticky brand by embracing both sides of the equation.
DECO Windshield Repair: Color Shapes Brand Identity

DECO Windshield Repair: Color Shapes Brand Identity

Your brand's colors are far more than aesthetic choices. DECO Windshield Repair leverages their brand colors to make their mobile kiosks stand out, attract clients and reinforce the client experience. Color is powerful part of your brand. It engages your clients at an emotional level and helps them recall your firm and make it sticky.
Codifying Brand Experiences: Make Them Sharable

Codifying Brand Experiences: Make Them Sharable

You can't judge a book by its cover, and you can't judge an experience by the sales pitch. Codify your brand experience so it's more portable, sharable and sticky. Find the essence of the experience that your community can share openly.
7 Things Sticky Brands Don’t Do

7 Things Sticky Brands Don’t Do

Companies with sticky brands are strong. They have strong balance sheets, they're profitable, and they build strong client relationships. Customers come back again and again, because they appreciate the services and the overall brand experience. They have the habits that make them stand out, attract customers and grow sticky brands.
Amplify Your Story

Amplify Your Story

When a brand resonates with its target market the sales job is easy. The customer self selects, because the story fits. Find ways to amplify your story.
David Aplin Group: Value Is In The Eye Of Your Customer

David Aplin Group: Value Is In The Eye Of Your Customer

Marketing can be messy. You can strive to get your brand positioning and messaging accurate, but your customers may not always see it that way. The David Aplin Group has a modular brand architecture to help them adjust their value proposition to fit the broad needs of a diverse client base.
Love Your Content, Love Your Brand

Love Your Content, Love Your Brand

Interesting, engaging and well written newsletters are anomalies. Most company's content gets lost in the spam folder. The few firms that stand out take pride in their content, and put in effort that often seems out of proportion with the result.
Ripples and Splashes: Growing Your Brand

Ripples and Splashes: Growing Your Brand

Miley Cyrus' performance at the MTV VMAs was an eye opener. She used a well timed splash can change the trajectory and reach of your brand. It's a lesson for companies too. Add a splash to your marketing mix to reach far more new prospects and customers faster.
Brand Momentum

Brand Momentum

Brand momentum is exciting and powerful when your brand is rising, but terrifying if it's declining. Energy accelerates the impact of your brand, but it's elusive. Here are 3 tips to increase your brand's momentum.

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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