
We regularly write easy-to-read easy-to-digest articles about branding and how to approach it. Not interested in reading? Check out our Podcast and watch and listen to how we apply our strategies to real brands.

Energize Your Brand

Energize Your Brand

An energized brand is an exciting brand. Here is how to energize your brand with your marketing.
Twist Image: Monetize Your Marketing – It’s Not A Fantasy

Twist Image: Monetize Your Marketing – It’s Not A Fantasy

Twist Image makes their marketing so good their customers pay for it. Twist has baked content into the fabric of their business, and leverages the persona and expertise of Mitch Joel, as a writer and professional speaker, to monetize their marketing.
Measuring New Year’s Resolutions

Measuring New Year’s Resolutions

The New Year is a time for renewed optimism and planning. Before you start plotting your priorities for the upcoming year, take a moment and look backwards. Measure your New Year's Resolutions by looking to past milestones, and then setting goals and measures based on how far you've already come.
LEAPJob: Core Metaphors Make Brands Leap

LEAPJob: Core Metaphors Make Brands Leap

Core metaphors are the linchpins of brand experiences. They span cultures, languages, dialects and countries. They are universal to all human beings, and the building blocks of our communications. LEAPJob uses the core metaphor journey in its brand architecture.
6 Brand Metrics To Drive Sales

6 Brand Metrics To Drive Sales

"You can't manage what you can't measure." Sage advice. I'm not interested in the soft-squishy side of marketing. I want to see brand strategies that clearly move the sales needle. Mid-market companies can look to six brand metrics that drive sales.
Platforms Don’t Grow Themselves

Platforms Don’t Grow Themselves

"If you build it, they will come." It's an appealing idea, but it’s not going to happen. Growing a platform starts with good ol' fashioned sales. Fancy marketing campaigns and promotions are not the starting point for building a platform. It starts with sales. If you sell it, they will come.
First Affiliated: Bastardizing A Brand Category

First Affiliated: Bastardizing A Brand Category

Marketers have an annoying habit of converting real functionality into marketing hype. The financial services sector is particularly guilty of this, but First Affiliated is working hard to defend the Multi-Family Office category. Ward off the marketers that are trying to piggyback on your success. Promote the category first and your brand second
I Hate Cold Calling, But I Still Do It

I Hate Cold Calling, But I Still Do It

Every sales rep worth his salt never stops hunting. I'm not going to wait for the phone to ring. If there's someone I want to reach I'm going to make the call. It’s that simple.
Alpha Poly Packaging: Easy In, Impossible Out

Alpha Poly Packaging: Easy In, Impossible Out

Manufacturers grow their brands by innovating and staying a step ahead. Alpha Poly Packaging, a manufacturer of film and bag packaging, strategy can be described as "easy in, impossible out." Clients come for the products, but stay for services that help them run their business and deliver results. Alpha is growing a sticky brand by embracing both sides of the equation.

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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