
We regularly write easy-to-read easy-to-digest articles about branding and how to approach it. Not interested in reading? Check out our Podcast and watch and listen to how we apply our strategies to real brands.

How to Narrow Your Ideas to Choose One

How to Narrow Your Ideas to Choose One

When it comes to choosing the best ideas to pursue, some common advice is to pick what you’re good at or something you already know about.
Simard Suspension: The Best Sales Pitch

Simard Suspension: The Best Sales Pitch

The best sales pitch is delivered by your customers. There is no one who can convey value better than the people already working with your products. David Tremblay, CEO of Simard Suspensions says, "The best argument to sell your products comes from your customers. You can build the best sales pitch that you can imagine, but let the customer talk about your products and it's much more credible than anything else."
Delight Your Customers

Delight Your Customers

Small acts of generosity can completely shift your client relationships. A surprise. A gift. An acknowledgement. They all have the power to delight your customers, and convert them into fans.
Walk The Talk. How Cabico Delivers The Human Touch

Walk The Talk. How Cabico Delivers The Human Touch

"It's so important to walk the talk," says Alain Ouzilleau, President of Cabico. Great marketing is tangible. It's more than words. It's an integral part of the organization, and holds up the brand like the pillars of a building.
Your Strengths May Not Be Sufficient

Your Strengths May Not Be Sufficient

Your firm's strengths may not be enough to differentiate your brand. Strengths are table stakes. They are simply required to be in the game, and compete in your industry. Differentiation originates out of one identifiable strength.
Competitive Immunity: It’s Hard To Compete Against A Brand

Competitive Immunity: It’s Hard To Compete Against A Brand

It's hard to compete and win against a sticky brand. Growing your brand is a key line of defense, and provides your business competitive immunity. And with competitive immunity comes increased profits and exciting business opportunities.
Neatfreak!: Are You A Supplier Or A Brand?

Neatfreak!: Are You A Supplier Or A Brand?

It all starts with a choice. Are you supplier, or a brand? In 2008 Neatfreak made that choice, and transitioned from being a private label manufacturer to building a brand. Today they are the category leader for home organization and storage.
Give Your SMART Goals Meaning

Give Your SMART Goals Meaning

Create SMART Aspirational Goals for your company — create SMARTY Goals. Combine a numeric target with an aspirational vision to drive action. Your people need to know the "why" behind a goal to get fully behind it.
AnswerPlus: The Customer Comes Third

AnswerPlus: The Customer Comes Third

"The Customer Comes Third" is an intriguing and counterintuitive core values, but fundamental to AnswerPlus's services, relationships and brand. They build their brand from the inside out. Dana Lloyd, CEO of AnswerPlus says, "Our brand is our culture, and our culture is our people,"

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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