
We regularly write easy-to-read easy-to-digest articles about branding and how to approach it. Not interested in reading? Check out our Podcast and watch and listen to how we apply our strategies to real brands.

30 Day ROI — How Fast Is a Rebrand ROI?

30 Day ROI — How Fast Is a Rebrand ROI?

It doesn’t take long to realize the ROI — return on investment — from a rebrand. When you deliver the right message to the right market with the right call to action, you will see results.
Best Feasible Practices

Best Feasible Practices

Beware of blindly following all industry best practices. They can lead you down a path of conformity and compliance. Look outside your industry for Best Feasible Practices.
What It Means to Position Your Brand

What It Means to Position Your Brand

Positioning is a cornerstone branding topic, but what does it mean to position your brand? Use these 3 questions to position your brand to win.
The Remarkable Power of Deadlines

The Remarkable Power of Deadlines

There's nothing like a deadline to harness your productivity. Here's how to use deadlines to achieve goals that don't have a due date.
You Don’t Need More New Goals

You Don’t Need More New Goals

The #1 reason why people change jobs is due to symptoms: I hate my boss; I hate my commute; I don’t get paid enough. Success isn’t driven by symptoms, it’s driven by purposeful goals. What do you need to accomplish this year?
Compound Growth Calculator: How to Double the Size of Your Business

Compound Growth Calculator: How to Double the Size of Your Business

With compounding growth, at at 15% growth rate a business will double in size in 5 years. Here's a simple tool to calculate how to double the size of your company.
How SPAM Got Its Name and How Its Meaning Changed

How SPAM Got Its Name and How Its Meaning Changed

Hormel Foods, makers of SPAM lunch meats, cannot be happy. The name SPAM is now synonymous with junk mail clogging up the internet.
Working with the Wrong People is like Driving on Bald Tires. You get no traction.

Working with the Wrong People is like Driving on Bald Tires. You get no traction.

Working with the wrong people is like driving on bald tires. You can never seem to get traction. Here's how to identify if you have the right people on your team
Salespeople Don’t Create Demand, They Serve It

Salespeople Don’t Create Demand, They Serve It

Salespeople don’t create demand for your products or services, they serve it. Here is why hiring more salespeople may be the wrong strategy.

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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