
We regularly write easy-to-read easy-to-digest articles about branding and how to approach it. Not interested in reading? Check out our Podcast and watch and listen to how we apply our strategies to real brands.

How You Manage Change Is a Competitive Advantage

How You Manage Change Is a Competitive Advantage

Since the invention of the wheel, humans have been disrupting themselves. Change is a constant. And how your business deals with change can be its competitive advantage.
A Brand Name Is the Longest Living Artifact of Your Company

A Brand Name Is the Longest Living Artifact of Your Company

Everything in a business can change over time, but the name does not. A brand name is the longest living artifact of a company. Protect it.
4 Website Design Trends in 2017

4 Website Design Trends in 2017

See the latest website design trends for 2017. Your website is the face of your brand. Use these trends to keep your brand fresh and relevant.
How To Measure Brand Performance

How To Measure Brand Performance

Sticky Brands sell more faster, and you'll see it in your data: more demand, higher profits, and less competition. Measure your brand performance with these metrics.
3 Steps to Eliminate Sales Proposals

3 Steps to Eliminate Sales Proposals

Sales proposals are a common element in the sales process, but they're brutal. They slow down the buying process and reduce sales productivity. Here's how to eliminate them.
Simple Brands Are More Successful

Simple Brands Are More Successful

The most successful companies make their brands very simple. The brand is clear, deliberate, and serves a need. This simplicity makes the brand stand out in a noisy market.
Overcome Customer Indifference

Overcome Customer Indifference

You may be passionate about your business and its capabilities, but that doesn't mean anyone else cares. How to break customer indifference.
Fans vs Followers: Is Your Social Network Buying?

Fans vs Followers: Is Your Social Network Buying?

If your brand quit social media tomorrow would anyone care? Would anyone even notice? Brands are chasing followers, but should really develop fans.
What’s Now: Asking “What’s Next?” Won’t Help

What’s Now: Asking “What’s Next?” Won’t Help

In a world of uncertainty, it doesn't matter what's next. All that matters is WHAT'S NOW. The actions you take now will impact your future. Pick up the rallying cry, WHAT'S NOW.

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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In a series of short videos, discover Sticky Branding’s approach to branding and strategy. We’ll show you how to grow your business into a Sticky Brand, where customers are beating a path to your door.

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