
We regularly write easy-to-read easy-to-digest articles about branding and how to approach it. Not interested in reading? Check out our Podcast and watch and listen to how we apply our strategies to real brands.

What Makes A Brand Sticky? 4 Goals Along the Way to Making Your Brand Stick

What Makes A Brand Sticky? 4 Goals Along the Way to Making Your Brand Stick

Growing a sticky brand has 4 elements to strive for: your market understands you, your customers choose you first, they come back again-and-again, and they brag about you. The companies that achieve all 4 gain significant financial benefits.
First Call Advantage: Be Your Clients’ First Choice

First Call Advantage: Be Your Clients’ First Choice

At any given time 3% of your market is buying, the rest are not. Develop client relationships 3 years before you're needed to be your clients' first choice when they're ready to buy.
Path of Search: Targeting Active Buyers

Path of Search: Targeting Active Buyers

Your challenge is to be in the right place at the right time, your prospects’ Path of Search, when they're considering their options. This is a major element of a demand generation program.
Demand Generation: How It Works

Demand Generation: How It Works

Demand generation is a process. It starts with understanding how your clients buy, and developing strategies to be their first choice when they have a need for your expertise.
Challenge Convention

Challenge Convention

Not all companies are equal. Companies that push the boundaries and test their limits immediately stand out, because they don’t let fear hold them back.
Cold Calling Is Still Dead

Cold Calling Is Still Dead

Cold calling stopped being a viable lead generation option years ago. But for some reason some companies hold onto it like it’s an art form. It’s not. It’s futile.
Diversity Marketing Grows Brands

Diversity Marketing Grows Brands

3 keys to diversity marketing: know yourself; be authentic; and be a subject matter expert. Companies who engage diverse groups stand out and grow brands.
Wow Events: Spark Client Engagement

Wow Events: Spark Client Engagement

There is no replacement for live, face-to-face events. As good as digital media and social media are, they can't achieve the impact of a Wow Event.
Take Pride In Your Brand

Take Pride In Your Brand

Pride may be one of the Seven Deadly Sins, but it’s also an essential ingredient in branding. You can’t grow a compelling brand without a deep-seated sense of pride in your business.

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Jeremy Miller

Top 30 Brand Guru

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In a series of short videos, discover Sticky Branding’s approach to branding and strategy. We’ll show you how to grow your business into a Sticky Brand, where customers are beating a path to your door.

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